Friday, December 29, 2006

New Digs

Yesterday was a fresh start. Russ and I rearranged the office to give it a new feel for the new year. I moved my desk in a different and I feel over-all more productive location (closer to Russ). For some reason it's easier to work when your back isn't to him. Anyway, it's amazing how just by moving your desk into a different location can make you feel happy to come to least for a few days anyway. I love starting fresh and new.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Lack of Holiday Cheer

I don't know what it is but I really haven't been in the Christmas mood this year. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a scrooge I just haven't felt excited about Christmas. I love Christmas, I always have. Maybe it's the lack of snow? Maybe I am growing up and Christmas has a different roll for me now that I am married and have my own home? Maybe it's because I am stuck at work? It's weird I'll get these little flashes of Christmas spirit and then it's gone. Please help me! Christmas is only 3 days away and I am feeling like the Grinch.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's not about the fight, It's about getting to the fight.

Not since Superman have I ever been this pumped up about a movie. As the light went down my heart began to pump from the pit of my stomach. As the Rocky theme played people started to cheer! A tear came to my eye, this would be the first of many. I know there has been a lot of talk and a lot of hype following this movie but that doesn't mean anything once the movie comes out and it stinks. I am here to tell you that this movie is outstanding. I don't want to give anything away but I will say this, Rocky Balboa is real. The characters, their performance, the plot all seem real. They responded to life and each other the way real people would respond. I think this was one of the first movies that didn't have a bit of Hollywood influence in it. In the end when the pictured faded and the people stopped clapping (still don't understand why people do that? It's a movie, they can't hear you.) I was left with a little sadness that it was over. I wanted more. I am starting my boxing training tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


So I heard on the radio yesterday to my amazement that one of the co-creators of Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Scooby-Doo and Yogi Bear, died. Hanna along with Joseph Barbera, created more than 3,000 half-hour cartoons. I remember never wanting to miss an episode of the Jetsons as a little kid. He died in North HollyWood at home with his wife of 60 years by his side. I don't know about you but that wouldn't be a bad way to go. If you would like to read more click here

Starting a new

My buddy Russ and all his enthusiasm as inspired me to start the new year with a more active blog. I am really going to try and make a conscious effort to post on this thing at least once a week. I mean come on, as Russ has proven any moron can search CNN for something to complain about. Just kidding Russ. So here is to a productive new year.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Quote of the day by one of the greatest presidents if not THE GREATEST PRESIDENT ever to take office.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's
character, give him power."
- Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, November 08, 2006



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Why we like movies.

This is the article I wish I wrote but I didn't. Here it is anyway.
"For decades films have served the purpose of escaping reality-affordable getaways that allowed the viewer to forget about their problems for two hours by watching fictitious characters encounter their own. The typical Hollywood film would end with the good guy reigning supreme in a conclusion designed to please the masses thatÂ’s filled with contagious optimism and stark improbabilities. These are films without a voice of their own; they’re written with the audience in mind because let’s face it, everyone loves a feel-good film and where there’s a majority like ability, thereÂ’s money. There’s a problem with that though and that is this: it’s not real and we know it. This is particularly true with romantic comedies– we’d love to see the guy get the girl, or the girl get the guy, because it allows us to be hopeful that we will too in our own lives, or if you’re luckier than the next, that you already have. In the real world however, relationships end about as often as the sun rises because the dating gameÂ’s changed to accommodate society’s slipping value system– everything moves at such a quick pace that thinking about our decisions usually comes after weÂ’ve already made them. Like a character in The Last Kiss says, "The world is moving so fast now that we start freaking long before our parents did because we don’t stop to breathe anymore."

-Devin Dagraca

One thing that I always loved about movies was that I could watch someone work out an unbelievable problems in the course of two hours or less. If only life was that easy right. It occurred to me that life can be that easy given the proper perspective. "Don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out alive" Give it to God, serve Him and concentrate on making someone else really happy. You would be surprised at how happy it will make you in return.

Friday, September 01, 2006

49 Up

There is an interesting documentary that has been filmed over the past 42 years. It took a diverse group of kids all over England and interviewed them about their life every 7 years. For the trailer go here This trailer got me thinking about the way my life has gone since I was seven. It's interesting how life can start out one way and then end up another. The really cool thing is I'm not even half way there (hopefully). So where will you be in seven years? What about seven years after that. What kind of legacy will you leave? I take comfort in the fact that as long as God is a priority in my life seven years from now I'll be just fine!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Thanks everyone who showed up and showed their support!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A little help

Okay, here is the thing. My buddy needs our help. Someone has been messing with him for over a year. When I mean messing I mean one time all of us were over his house. There were like 10 of us at least in the house. It started by someone ringing his doorbell and then running away. Fine, kids stuff everyone does. They were very brave considering the amount of car/people at the house at the time. Well this kept happening. They must have rang the doorbell three more times. We we got to the door no one is there. So finally We hear a loud bag on the side of the house. We go out to investigate and there lying on the side walk is a dead opossum with a shard of glass stabbed through a piece of paper into it's body. On this piece of paper was scrawled the words "You're Next" Obviously this was upsetting to my buddy and his significant other. So the police were called and basically they said someone was just messing around. Well since then about once a month someone has been ringing his doorbell and running away. Also he found a Opossum's head in a plastic bag in his yard. I assure you that my buddy has done nothing to warrant this type of treatment and has sent a message to the opossum community that he does not condone this type of treatment toward marsupials. Please does anyone have any good ideas on how to handle this situation?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's a bird...It's a plane....It's flippin sweet!

Last night I went to the premier of SUPERMAN RETURNS! Like Christmas morning it came. After hearing all the rumors, ideas, plots, and casting announcements, Superman Returns came flying in faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tough film critics with a single bound. As you might think the movie was the first movie that I got so excited about that I could hardly breath, in a very long time. My eyes still hurt from not blinking, my jaw still stiff from not shutting. Ok enough about how great it was lets get into details shall we. Let me set the table. First off Superman is back as you may not know. He left earth in search of his home planet. His sabbatical lasted five or more years. They never really nail the time frame down. When he finally comes back (super awesome scene), he finds the world not how he left it. I won’t share any details because I don’t want to spoil anything. However a nice attention to detail is when Superman does come back, he is wearing an all gray suit. This suit is the same one that was used in the comic book version of the very same event. Way to go Bryan Singer! This movie gets it right on so many levels. The cast of characters is perfect. Kevin Spacey commands his role as Lex Luthor without over powering newcomer Brandon Routh (sounds like South) as The Man Of Steel. Kate Bosworth plays Lois Lane. A weak point in the movie but still shines better than most. I must admit I didn’t really like her in the role when I first heard about it, but after a while she grew on me. This movie is not all action like other brainless blockbusters with inflated budgets. It has build up and emotion. The first time you see Superman in the suit flying to save the day it is just like camping…intense! I had chills. Now some of this you may have to take in account that I am a ridiculous Superman fan boy, but I can tell you this if you don’t get chills at least once in this movie there is no helping you! I recommend paying the extra bucks to see it in iMAX 3D. It is awesome. This is a start to a new mega franchise. I just hope Hollyweird doesn’t mess it up. Please go see this movie. Take you parents, kids, dogs, birds, boyfriends, girlfriends, In-Laws, complete strangers! Come on do you really want Titanic to be the best selling movie of all time? Do yourself a favor see the movie.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

80's Style?

Saturday was my graduation party and we thought to why don't we go back to where it all began for me as a kid. The 80's. I would like to thank everyone who showed up to show their support in the pouring rain! I am lucky to have such great family and friends! I look forward to spending more time with you now that I'm not buried in homework. Now I know most of you remember the 80's, so post your favorite thing about the 80's. I'll start off by saying that the TV shows were the best. I loved ALF! I also loved He-Man, Ninja Turtles, The Smurfs, The A Team, and Hardcastle and MCcormick. Knight Rider wasn't to bad either!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Knight Rider

I finally have the car of my dreams! Now me and David can ride like the wind baby!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Last Day

Well the time is upon me. Tomorrow (4-27) will be the last day of my college career! Tonight will feel like the day before the execution. Tomorrow brings two 3 hour final project critiques and a 15 minute exit review which consists of the 4 full time faculty grilling me about my work. The stress these last few days has been pretty intense. Fear is something I have had to deal with quite a bit over the last few weeks. I ask that all of you keep me in your prayers today and tomorrow. I need the strength and the courage to finish. My exit review begins at 5:30pm. On a happier note I did receive a full time position at Eden Foods as a graphic designer. My first official day full time is May 2nd. So now I get to see my buddy Russ 6 days a week! Woohoo! Anyway, Thank you all in advance for the prayers.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I Have The Power!

Ok, I don't do this very often but I have to take a quick survey. What was your favorite Cartoon in the earliest part of your childhood. As much as I loved Superman when I was little (and still do for that matter) HE-Man was at the top of my list. I watched every show, movie, and Christmas special. Had every action figure and the bed sheets. I even went to Toys R' Us and met HE-Man and Skelitor in person. Those were the days. So What's your favorite?

Monday, March 13, 2006

What Irony Looks like

I recently went to L.A. to visit one of my good friends. While on this trip I went to the walk of fame where all the celebrities have their stars on the sidewalk. This picture is worth a thousand words! So this is what irony looks like.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Bring God To Work Day

Today I have been listening to nothing but Third Day at work. Thanks to my good buddy Rosco I have the set list to the Third day concert that many of you went to last Sunday. I made a playlist of that set list in iTunes and have been having a mini worship service quietly at my desk. I literally felt Gods presence with me in my chair. I encourage anyone who is allowed to listen to music to try this out. It definitely makes the work day more enjoyable.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bad Rep

The other day I was listening to a radio show out of LA when something very insightful was said by one of the hosts who claims not to be "religious". On the show they were talking about this group of religious extremists who were protesting at a soldier's funeral carrying signs that said "God Hates Fags". The soldier, although the point is moot, was not gay. A women called into the show claiming to be a member of this particular group and tried to explain her (their) cause. She claimed that anyone living in sin would go to hell and anyone who enabled sin would go to hell. She said that it didn't matter that the soldier wasn't gay, he served in the military who has a "don't ask don't tell" policy about homosexuals in the military not to mention all the moral atrocities committed to innocent people by soldiers in times of war. After a little bickering back and forth, the radio host said that he was no bible scholar and that he was not particularly religious but since satan is the master deceiver he can not help but believe that people and organizations like this woman's was maybe satan's plan to pose as a Christian to help give them a "bad name" That because of these groups people are discouraged from becoming a Christian. It makes a lot of sense to me. Look at how the Christian faith is depicted in the media. We have priests molesting young children. We have televangelists taking people's money, we have right wing conservatives (otherwise known as hateful bigots) bringing down the rath of God to everyone. They all are giving a bad rep to real Christians. I believe that the time is coming for God to take back this world and I believe that He is going to do it through Christians who show people how much God loves them, not how much God hates them. It's time that Christians show who the wolves are posing as sheep by the true acts of Christian love.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Back to School Back to School

Well it's back to the old grind of work and school work and school. I had my last first week of school last week. I graduate May 11th! That date cannot come fast enough. In away I'm really glad that I will be getting out of school. After 6 years of it, it's time for a change. However, it will be weird just going to work everyday. At the same time it will be nice that once I punch out and go home, I don't have to worry about designing another thing until I go back to work the next day. Sometime I just get really tired of having to be creative. You would think that there is no ay someone would ever be able to kill the fun in being creative. I'm here to tell you it can be done!
I would like to take this time to say thank you to all of you who came to my Ma's 50th birthday party! She had a great time and it's all because of the great friends that she has. You all have shown a lot of love to my family over the years and I would just like to say thank you! You guys are the best!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Trying again

Well I figured I should try this blog thing again. The New Year presents many great opportunities to start over. I don't believe in New Years resolutions per say, only because as soon as your goals for the new year receive that title, they instantly become more difficult. So my goals for the new year are very simple. I think my greatest issue as a person and as a Christian is not practicing self denial. I never tell myself no. It's 12 am and I have to go to school the next day and I know I'm going to be really tired if I don't go to bed, but I don't want to go to bed! I want to watch TV. So I watch TV. There are things I need to get done around the house in my free time. Well when free time comes around I don't want to do the things around the house, because this is free time. Even little things like, I know that this second cup of coffee is going to make me all sick and nervous feeling...but it's just so good. Or how about this one, I really want to start spending more time in prayer, or I really should go to this church group, but I want to do this or that. I know what you all are thinking. He needs to be more disciplined. This may be true about not wanting to clean the house or go to bed, but one shouldn't have to be disciplined to spend more time with their Lord. If you have to discipline yourself to pray more than you are doing it for the wrong reason. So as I start this new year please pray for me that I stop being so self serving and that I learn to give more of myself to God.