Monday, January 16, 2006

Back to School Back to School

Well it's back to the old grind of work and school work and school. I had my last first week of school last week. I graduate May 11th! That date cannot come fast enough. In away I'm really glad that I will be getting out of school. After 6 years of it, it's time for a change. However, it will be weird just going to work everyday. At the same time it will be nice that once I punch out and go home, I don't have to worry about designing another thing until I go back to work the next day. Sometime I just get really tired of having to be creative. You would think that there is no ay someone would ever be able to kill the fun in being creative. I'm here to tell you it can be done!
I would like to take this time to say thank you to all of you who came to my Ma's 50th birthday party! She had a great time and it's all because of the great friends that she has. You all have shown a lot of love to my family over the years and I would just like to say thank you! You guys are the best!


Swinging Sammy said...

Yeah, they can take the fun out of just about anything, by calling it "work!" Enjoy your last semester of school, though. My last one was by far my most favorite.

Russell said...

Hawkman, I take certain offense to part of your statement as I claim to be the son of the greatest parents available on this crustation, however, the boltons are quite outstanding in their own right.

i'll see ya when i see ya!!!!